Kenneth G. Manton,Igor Akushevich,Julia Kravchenko: Cancer Mortality and Morbidity Patterns in the U.S. Population: An Interdisciplinary Approach
The purpose of this book is to examine the etiology of cancer in large human populations using mathematical models developed from an inter-disciplinary perspective of the population epidemiological, biodemographic, genetic and physiological basis of the mechanisms of cancer initiation and progression. In addition an investigation of how the basic mechanism of tumor initiation relates to general processes of senescence and to other major chronic diseases (e.g., heart disease and stroke) will be conducted.
Author: Kenneth G. Manton,Igor Akushevich,Julia Kravchenko
Number of Pages: 455 pages
Published Date: 29 Nov 2010
Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
Publication Country: New York, NY, United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9781441926807
Download Link: Click Here
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