James Torrance,James Fullarton,Clare Marsh,James Simms,Caroline Stevenson: Higher Human Biology: Applying Knowledge and Skills
![Higher Human Biology: Applying Knowledge and Skills](https://d1w7fb2mkkr3kw.cloudfront.net/assets/images/book/lrg/9781/4441/9781444192063.jpg)
Exam Board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: ScienceFirst Teaching: September 2014First Exam: June 2015Help your students be better biologists with the only book that provides dedicated additional practice for the central focus of Higher Human Biology for CfE. This book provides a wealth of further questions and practice material corresponding with each chapter of the core text, allowing students to practise applying their knowledge and skills. * Makes planning easier and saves time with material that is ideal for use either in classroom or as homework* Gives students simple ways to improve and practice specific topics with questions clearly matched to each section of the accompanying Student's Book* Develops skills effectively with tried and trusted material developed by a vastly experienced author team
Author: James Torrance,James Fullarton,Clare Marsh,James Simms,Caroline Stevenson
Number of Pages: 112 pages
Published Date: 28 Jun 2013
Publication Country: London, United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN: 9781444192063
Download Link: Click Here
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